In the past year, Dream a Dream has been supporting the Delhi Government in anchoring the Happiness Curriculum, leading the teacher training, building awareness through social media outreach and leading monitoring & evaluation. We have planned and successfully executed internal skill building around facilitation and content delivery along with planning and delivery of the ‘Master Trainers’ training in Delhi.
Currently, we are in the process of finalising the content of Happiness Books from nursery to the eighth grade, while piloting the new Happiness Curriculum in 42 Department of Education schools. The second Training of Trainers (ToT) took place in the month of March with the Happiness Team. One of our highlights has been at Delhi Government School in New Kondli where the teachers, being highly impressed and impacted by happiness classes, decided to incorporate collective mindfulness in their morning assembly.

Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. Sometimes in our busy lives, we forget to have a moment for ourselves. Here’s a mindfulness activity for you to try, which is part of the Happiness Class.